There are so many skin creams on the market it's enough to make your head spin. There are creams for under the eyes, creams for anti-aging, for anti-wrinkle, foot cream, body lotions, alpha-hydroxy creams and on and on.

So how do you choose what's right for you? You'll probably do what my wife has done and that's try everything! The problem is that there are creams out there that are not so good for your skin.

In my research to find products that would help my wife with her eczema and acne, I discovered honey based creams, which were very effective in handling her skin problems.

There are several very good ones on the market today.

There is a mixture of creams that are very workable and have similar ingredients. I'm going to give you some of the natural ingredients that you should look for when you are looking for a good natural healing skin cream. They are:

Honey is an amazing ingredient and is the base for several of the top healing skin creams in America the UK and Australia.

Honey: Known for it's anti-bacterial properties.

Panthenol It's vitamin B 5 known for its moisturizing ability

Royal Jelly- anti-bacterial properties

Aloe Vera-Healing/moisturizing, a natural soother

Ginseng Extract-Oxygenates


Bee Propolis- Anti biotic

Olive Oil-Natural Moisturizer

Vitamin A-Anti-oxidant

Vitamin E-For Healing

Avocado Oil-A Skin Toner

Jojoba oil-a softener

Safflower Oil- An Anti-inflammatory

Healing creams with some or all of these ingredients are:

Thentix Cream,

Egyptian Magic Skin Cream,

Manuka Skin Care Skin Cream,

Herbaline Skin Care Cream,

Green Tea Honey Eye Cream,

I hope this helps.

In the United States alone, there are over 40 Million people who struggle with acne. Many of these people treat acne using chemicals such as antibiotics, prescription drugs, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.

However, there is a growing number of people who choose herbal acne treatments over traditional medications. Usually, herbal medications have far fewer side effects, and are not as dangerous as some of the prescription drugs.

The problem however, is that the United States does very little to regulate the herbal supplement industry. Unlike traditional chemical medications, herbal medications are not required to be clinically proven to work, or even to be safe. An example of this lack of regulation recently came to light with ephedra related deaths, and ephedras subsequent ban.

This lack of regulation results in many different acne products on the market. All of which claim to heal, prevent, or even cure acne with few, if any, side effects.

The truth is, there are very few herbal acne treatments that are scientifically proven to work. Traditional chemical treatments are still the most effective in stopping acne.

There are only 2 herbal treatments that have been clinically proven to help stop acne, tea tree oil and green tea cream.

Tea tree oil is a natural oil, derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a particular type of tea tree found exclusively in Australia. While it has been used from hundreds of years by the native aboriginals as a treatment for just about anything, it has only recently been accepted by modern medicine as being a viable anti-bacterial agent.

Even though tea tree oil has been suspected as an anti-bacterial agent for some time, A groundbreakings study was conducted in 1990 by I.B. Bassett, which compared tea tree oil to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. It was found that tea tree oil is as effective as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution. It takes longer (6 weeks) for the tea tree oil to be as effective, but participants in the study reported none of the side effects associated with benzoyl peroxide, such as redness, skin irritation, or dry skin.

This study has helped tea tree oil become a recognized and legitimate herbal acne treatment. However, there is no need to purchase an expensive cream that contains tea tree oil. Just applying several drops of the oil directly on the acne has shown to be the most effective way to apply tea tree oil.

This was the only herbal acne treatment that had been proven to work until recently, when Dr. Jennifer Gan-Wong conducted a study that shows green tea can also effectively fight acne.

Dr. Gan-Wong compared a green tea cream with 3% green tea, to a 4% benzoyl peroxide solution, and found that the results in treating acne where the same for both the tea and the peroxide. These results were recently presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.

These findings are relatively recent, and are not yet corroborated by additional independent studies. However, this evidence does demonstrate that the natural anti-bacterial properties of green tea can be effective to treat acne.

For those of you who are confused by the plethora of herbal acne treatments available, there really are only 2 that have been proven to be effective in fighting acne. Green tea cream, and tea tree oil. While many other herbal acne treatments may be good to moisturize the skin, or reduce oils, these are the only two that should be considered truly effective acne treatments.

Acne No More: An Objective Review

 Acne No More makes some rather bold claims in its promotions, saying that it 
can help you solve your acne problems for good. Across the board, people that 
suffer with acne have tried many different products only to find disappointment 
for their efforts. To help you out, we wrote this article in an attempt to 
dispel any myths about Acne No More and what this product can actually do for 

 Acne affects every person slightly differently. There are lots of causes for 
acne and everybody has different types of skin. Acne No More acknowledges this 
and gives you options for customizing it to fit yourself. Because the book takes
  a deep and close look at your lifestyle and diet and how your health impacts 
your skin, you'll get a really good understanding of what you are going to need 
to do to clear up your acne. Most acne cures aren't anything more than a jar of 
something that you spread onto your skin but Acne No More understands that a 
true cure needs to be more customized than that.

 Acne No More deals with some of the causes of acne that hardly anyone else 
talks about. There are lots of health problems that are caused by 
parasites--microorganisms that live in our food and in our environment. Our 
immune systems and the amount of stress we feel are compromised and increased by
  parasites. Acne is a symptom of this and Acne No More teaches users how to get 
these harmful parasites out of your body. This book is going to help you reduce 
your stress and get more sleep--two things that will go a long way in helping 
you better resist these parasites.

 If you want to try Acne No More you might feel like learning everything it 
teaches is going to be hard. After all, in addition to your 200+ page eBook, 
there is also a lot of bonus information to sort through too. The good news is 
that the content is easy to read and to understand and you don't need to have 
any medical background to be able to understand it. You'll also find the 
information practical and the directions very easy to follow. It's true that you
  are going to need to take some time to do some reading and to test out some 
different methods they are not going to be very hard to implement or complicated
  to try out. Acne No More has the advantage of being a system that any person
can  follow.

Puberty brought bouts of acne. In your 20s, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right was of 
chief consequence. When the 30s hit, you worked to raise little Johnnie or Suzie
  to be a model kid. Now that your hitting the fabulous 40s, you should be 
coasting through life, right. Well, why are you suddenly dealing with the 
cosmetic double whammy of acne and wrinkles? Even your insurance company figures
  that you should have gotten rid of acne by the age of 25.

 The number people over 30 needing acne treatments has climbed to the extent 
that a report published in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 
recommends raising the age for insurance coverage of the acne drug tretinoin to 
at least 40. The authors of the report, Drs. Steven Feldman and Alan Fleischer, 
add that many insurance companies refuse to pay for tretinoin prescriptions for 
patients older than 25.

 Cosmetic Catch 22 
Even if your insurance company leaves you to fend for 
yourself, you still have options for freeing yourself from acne and wrinkles. At
  first, coping with acne and wrinkles may seem like a cosmetic catch 22. Do you 
dry your skin with acne cleansers containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic 
acid, and worsen your wrinkles? Or, do you smear on the moisturizer to smooth 
the wrinkles, but cope with the zits brought on by the extra oil or sensitivity 
to a new product?

 There's a smarter way to handle acne and wrinkles.

 1.    Interpret the acne

 2.    Allow your skin to improve as you use self-awareness to remove 

 Interpret the acne

While dealing with acne and wrinkles, target the acne first because acne is 
an autoimmune disease. Having an autoimmune disease means that your thoughts, 
emotions, and/or environment are affecting you in an adverse way and require 
immediate attention. Thus, acne may reveal that you need to relax more, change 
your eating habits, reframe your interpersonal dialogue, stop dating that jerk 
from the office and/or make another beneficial alteration to your lifestyle.

 Zits arrive on your face to report on some unpleasant activities within your 
body and life. Once you get feedback from these zits, you can take action to 
send the zits away while augmenting your health in the process.

 Acne is usually an indication various hidden or overlooked health problems. 
Here's a sample of the questions you should ask yourself when dealing with acne 
so that you can unravel the mystery behind your zits. Are you:


 About 70% of your immune system is located in your intestines. If this area 
is blocked with waste, your immuno-defenses are down. So, instead of waste 
leaving your body via the rectum, it chooses to leave through the skin. Waste 
leaving the skin can cause an infection that presents itself as acne.


Tension likewise reduces the vigor of the immune system. Take a few deep 
breaths throughout the day to calm your body. Take a long walk in the fresh air 
to wind down.

 Eating nutritionally?

 Cases of acne have been improved with consuming foods containing zinc, 
essential fatty acids, vitamin A and a host of other nutrients. All of these 
vital nutrients are available in leafy green vegetables, fruits and olive 

 Worried about unresolved issues?

 Not resolving personal issues creates conflict and tension in the body. 
Again, these issues most be addressed to avoid undue stress within the body.

 Exercising daily?

 Exercise reduces stress and gives you an opportunity to subconsciously 
contemplate challenges that you may be facing. Physical activity also keeps your
  muscles and intestines toned, which keeps encourages regularity.

 Changing pillowcase frequently?

Using a dirty pillowcase aggravates an acne condition. Your face naturally 
secretes oils during the night. These oils are sticky. So if you pillowcase if 
dirty, you are allowing your face to collect extra waste during the night, which
  could further clog your pores.

 Moving or changing your job/career?

 New demands or feelings of lose can sometimes accompany change. Transfer 
these emotions into something constructive by writing in a journal or 
envisioning how these changes are going to benefit you. Find comfort in these 
changes and opportunities for new beginnings.

 Experiencing excessive facial hair growth and erratic periods?

 Conditions such as acne, excessive facial hair, and erratic periods could 
indicate an androgen disorder or other underlying hormonal imbalances. Your 
doctor can provide you with a series of endocrine tests to ascertain your 
hormone levels and what corrective actions you should take. Ricardo Azziz, M.D, 
who serves as Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Director of the Center 
for Androgen-Related Disorders at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, estimates that 80
  percent of women with excessive androgen levels suffer from an endocrine 
disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Dr. Azziz adds that women with
  PCOS often have insulin resistance and are at increased risk for developing
Type  II diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

 Once the acne is under control you can move on to the wrinkles. Another 
reason for treating the zits first is because if you alter your lifestyle in 
such as way as to free yourself from acne, and you doing this in a healthy and 
patient fashion, you will actually lessen the number of wrinkles you have.

Health is wholeness and beauty is a reflection of robust health. You'll never
  buy robust health in a jar. It is a mind, body, spirit and environmental
support  system that garners full-bodied health. Lets look at want you actually
need from  a "beauty cream".

 Face Cream Education
There are five basic ingredients in any given 
anti-aging or anti-wrinkling cream.

 1.    The oil or moisturizer

 2.    The preservatives to keep the cream from spoiling.

 3.    A scent or flavor

 4.    A color

 5.    The active ingredient.

 Only one of these components is essential, the oil. The preservative is only 
needed to keep the cream useful. Your face does not need preservation because 
the skin is alive. Since some people have allergies to scents and colors in 
cosmetics, the body says that these two ingredients are not necessary. The 
active ingredient is usually the latest cosmetic drug or multivitamin that is 
supposed to lift or dramatically reverse your age by 5-20 years.
Researchers S. Jay Olshansky, Leonard Hayflick and Bruce A. Carnes bluntly 
comment on the antics of cosmetic companies in their report No Truth to the 
Fountain of Youth, published in the June 2002 edition of Scientific American. 
The authors warn everyone aiming to reverse the signs of times on their face 
that, "... anyone purporting to offer an anti-aging product today is either 
mistaken or lying".

 I bet you are thinking, "Won't that oil make acne worse?" The answer is not 
if you are using the right oil. Some essential oils such as bergamot, lavender, 
lemon, neroli, sandalwood, tea tree and ylang ylang have cleansing and 
antibacterial properties which help combat acne infections. Other essential oil 
like geranium, clary sage and orange regulate the production of oil on the face.
  When mixed with a carrier oil such as jojoba or camellia, these essential oils 
are ideal moisturizers.

 Nothing that you put on your face will truly change your appearance. Creams 
are useful, but they are only one instrument in an orchestra of anti-aging 
concerts. Health starts on the inside. If you want to improve your beauty start 
with how you treat yourself and feed yourself. I mean not only what foods you 
eat but what thoughts you eat.

 You may eat thoughts of the sort, "I can't...", "I had a stressful day", "I'm
  tired of...",  "I can't wait until...", "I'm getting old", "My body isn't as 
healthy as it used to be". The menu is endless. If you want to look young and 
healthy, you have to think young and healthy thoughts. Here's steps to jumpstart
  your quest:

 Start by changing your thinking. Develop your own youth model, i.e. with 
steps you'll take to maintain your vitality and stick to it.

Enjoy nutritious foods. A study in the Journal of American College of 
Nutrition found that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and using olive 
oil every day could help keep wrinkles away. The researchers found that people 
who ate a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, beans, olive oil, nuts and 
multigrain breads, while avoiding butter, red meat and sugary goodies, were less
  predisposed to wrinkling. Researchers believe that antioxidant vitamins, such
as  A, C and E, which are found in fruits and vegetables, may help protect the
skin  from environmental damage.

 Use a gentle cleanser each day.

Steam your face everyday for 5-15 minutes, especially if your have acne. The 
steam removes waxy build-up on the skin while it stimulates circulation. This 
combo of benefits cleans to pores to reduce the possibility of acne while 
firming up the skin and facial muscles.

Exfoliate your skin daily.

 Moisturize your face in the morning and evening with natural oils. In 
addition to the acne fighting oils listed above, you can mix essential oils such
  as frankinsense, myrrh, neroli and rose to help encourage the growth of new
skin  cells. You can create a moisturizer by diluting 1-3 of your favorite
essential  oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba or camellia oil in a ration of 1
part  essential oil to 3 parts carrier oil.

Massage your face daily when you apply your facial oil.

 Lie down on an incline bench for 5-20 minutes each day to let the blood flow 
to your head.

 Wear a sunhat in the sun.

 Give yourself a light skin peel once a month.

Finally, forty can still be fabulous and your beauty-plan a lot less 
enigmatic. Just remember the basics, interpret the messages of your zits, and 
educate yourself about wrinkle creams- you don't need them.
There are literally hundreds of various treatments available to reduce acne. 
There is everything from all natural herbal remedies, to powerful chemical 
pharmaceuticals such as Accutane.

 However, the most commonly used acne treatments in the United States are over
  the counter acne medications. They are generally inexpensive when compared to 
prescription medications, and some work very well.

 Benzoyl peroxide is the most commonly used over the counter acne medication, 
and for good reason; Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective acne 
treatments available.

 A 5% solution is usually all that is needed to treat acne, and it has almost 
no side effects for most people who use it. Unlike antibiotics and other 
prescription medications, Benzoyl peroxide can be used for months, even years at
  a time, and there are really no long term side effects (including a tolerance) 
that can be associated with it.

 Furthermore, benzoyl peroxide has been compared to some of the prescription 
medications for acne, and it is nearly as effective as many acne antibiotics. 
Over all, benzoyl peroxide is the most successful over the counter acne 

 However, there are others that can be very beneficial as well, including 
salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid, and it works as an 
astringent to remove dead skin cells. By removing the dead cells, this helps 
eliminate clogged pores, as well as help the skin renew itself faster.

 Since acne is caused by p.bacteria that builds up in sebum in the pores of 
the skin, it is very important for the sebum to have a way of draining out of 
the pores before it becomes infected. Once salicylic acid is used to eliminate 
the dead skin cells, then the sebum is much less likely to become trapped under 
the skin and infected.

 Salicylic acid is often sold as a makeup remover, but it is most commonly 
used in acne treatment via stridex pads or oxy pads.

 Sulfur is also used in some over the counter acne medications. Sulfur is one 
of the oldest acne treatments, and reacts with the skin in such a way that it 
makes it dry, and peel. This works on acne by drying out the Sebum, and 
therefore, stopping the bacterial growth.

 Many soaps and facial cleansers have sulfur in them. Sulfur is effective in 
getting rid of whiteheads and blackheads. It doesn't work well against the more 
inflamed cystic acne. One of the drawbacks is that it can increase skin cell 
adhesion to the skin, and therefore help cause more pimples in the future. It is
  best to use a gentle exfoliator when using sulfur to treat acne.

 Sulfur also has a strong odor, and some people have skin that reacts harshly 
to sulfur, causing excessive redness and peeling.

 Resorcinol is another over-the-counter chemical that is used to treat a 
variety of skin conditions, including acne. It works by breaking down hard skin.
  For acne, this means less clogged pores, and faster skin growth. Resorcinol is 
commonly used with sulfur to treat acne. It is also good for eczema and 

 Because it is a strong chemical, don't use resorcinol with other astringents 
or cleansers unless advised by a dermatologist to do so.

 These are the most commonly used over the counter acne treatments. For anyone
  who is suffering from acne, these 4 over-the-counter treatments have a good 
chance of helping to reduce or eliminate acne.
Waking up to a solitary, huge red spot on your face can be irritating, and 
doubly so if you have a big event in a few days. They are also irritating if 
they turn up in the weirdest places, such as near your nostrils, at the back of 
your neck, and on your rear. Listed here are several acne spot treatments and 

 Apply benzoyl peroxide

 This compound gets rid of bacteria that triggers acne. Additionally, it dries
  your pimples. Benzoyl peroxide is sold in at least three concentrations, but
the  2.5% version is just as effective without the irritation which can result
when  using stronger variants. Remember to buy a solution that's oil-free and 

 Try salicylic acid

 Acne forms when dead skin cells inside the hair follicle accumulate, building
  a plug that can become irritated or infected. Salicylic acid helps quicken cell
  turnover to keep pores unclogged. It breaks down whiteheads and blackheads,,
and  at the same time minimizes oiliness. Use a product that contains at least
2% of  the active ingredient. If you find salicylic acid too drying, which can
actually  produce more blemishes down the road, you can try products made from
witch  hazel. This natural solution is just as effective as salicylic acid, but
won't  dry or irritate your skin like the latter.

 Try toothpaste

 Many professional skin experts would not recommend this, but many people 
claim it is effective. Toothpaste contains certain ingredients - baking soda, 
hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, essential oils, triclosan, menthol, and silica which
  can dry zits and make them less noticeable. Don't forget though that
considering  they are not manufactured for skin, they can also have substances,
such as  lauryl sulfate, that can be irritating to your skin.

 Apply baking soda

 For a quick pimple fix, mix a few tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with a 
small amount of water, just to make it into a thick paste. Apply this mixture 
over the blemish.

 Try aspirin

 For infrequent pimples, you can crush one aspirin and add a bit of water. The
  paste can then be applied to the pimple. Let it sit for a short while before
you  rinse it off with soap and tepid to warm water. Aspirin dries out pimples
and  minimizes the redness.

 Never pop the pimple

 Resist the urge to pop your zits. This will only make the redness and 
inflammation worse. The acne is also more likely to leave a scar if you pop it. 
Also, keep your hands off your face. Your hands are oily and dirty, and when 
they get in contact with your face, you're essentially re-introducing bacteria 
and oil to the area you already cleansed.

Even though acne can present a serious problem, the scars it leaves behind may even be harder to deal with. The acne infection will eventually clear out even if no medication is taken. Subsequently, the scars stick in place like sticky notes as though to remind you of the infection. Whether butter extract from cocoa is effective against these is a question an individual is bound to ask sooner or later.

Walking around with the scars forming a pattern all over your face can turn out to be nightmarish. Though it can be very costly, surgery is one acne scar treatment option that can be considered. There are also some homemade remedies that can aid in scar removal. The rest of the remedies are just hyped up myths that are capable of worsening your acne.

Will Cocoa Butter Really Work Against my Acne Scars?

The butter provides a homemade scar removal alternative that should be given top consideration. Still, the pertinent question persists; how effective is it? Succinct to say, it can be very effective. Cocoa butter has been the chief ingredient used by women to remove stretch marks for generations.

The prolonged use of this effective butter has increased curiosity on whether it can be used to get rid scars caused by acne. The big similarity between acne scars and stretch marks is that they both damage the skin. The butter gets rid of stretch marks and discoloration caused by acne scarring.

This butter contains a high concentration of vitamin E which is beneficial for the skin. Some foods that are rich in vitamin E are nuts, sunflower and spinach. Our bodies can process Vitamin E from such foods. This is then distributed to our skin.

In parts of the skin that have scars, the body cannot process Vitamin E effectively. These skin areas are in more dire need of this nutrient for the healing process. Because the body cannot evenly distribute the nutrient to the scar area, you need to dab some butter on the affected area. This ensures that these skin areas receive the vital vitamin E needed for the healing process.

How does butter extracted from cocoa eliminate scars after acne infection? People still have lingering questions on exactly what results to expect with this refreshing butter. Information from friends and online sources may not usually be satisfactory. Granted, the butter is not a miracle portion that will heal all your scars overnight.

When the butter is used as a remedy, it is important to ensure that your scars are fresh or less than a week old. Just a couple of days before the scars toughen or the hard skin emerges, cocoa butter can then be applied. If your skin type is allergic to cocoa based butter, your scars may worsen.

One common complaint, even among those with great skin, is that the pores that dot our faces are just too obvious. Women always want to know how can you shrink them or reduce them. The bad news is that you can't actually make them physically smaller, but with these tips, you can reduce their appearance by making them appear smaller and less noticeable.

Many times, the reason that pores are so obvious is because they are clogged. They can be clogged with your body's natural oils, such as the sebum the pore produces, or even dead skin cells. Whether you have obvious whitehead pimples or tiny blackheads, these blemishes make people with ordinary-sized pores worry that theirs are too obvious, or too large. But pores are what they are - they can be made bigger by stretching or damaging the skin (so don't pick at blemishes!), but having acne doesn't actually make your pores bigger.

Making your pores appear smaller is as simple as getting rid of acne in all its forms. That means utilizing your skin care routine, from your facial cleanser all the way to your anti acne treatment, to eliminate acne as much as possible. Before you can even consider using your face wash, you should steam open your pores so you can de-gunk them from the inside out. You can do this with a towel soaked in warm water and placed over your face, or you can let the steam from the shower do the work. (While you're at it, you may consider using an anti-acne shower gel if you're prone to body acne.)

Once your pores are open, you can complete the rest of your skin care routine. You can utilize your facial cleanser to gently eliminate dirt and dead skin from your face, then while your face is wet, you can exfoliate with either a scrub or your face wash and a nubby face towel. Exfoliate in a circular motion, and then rinse your face with warm water.

If you already have blackheads along your nose, chin or forehead, you may choose to extract them, or you can have a facialist do it at your next spa appointment. (If you choose to do it yourself, the best way is to use an extraction tool so as not to damage your skin with pushing or prodding, which can increase the size of your pores!)

Finally, you can tone your skin with an astringent to help tighten the pores, and finish your face off with an acne treatment to prevent future blemishes from popping up.

Getting rid of acne, whether blackheads or whiteheads, will help reduce the appearance of pores by preventing them from standing out or calling attention to themselves.

Getting rid of acne fast by Aloe Villa! We provide 2 step acne solutions by face wash. Acne skin care solutions provided by us are completely professional, that too within customers' financial limit.

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The problem of acne is not new. It can happen to anyone and at any age for so
  many reasons, be it hormonal changes or poor skin care. So many beauticians, 
dermatologists, and skin experts have proposed multitudes of tips for getting 
rid of acne. However, which one to choose is still is a question of concern, 
since not all methods will work out the best for each skin type and cause of 
acne. Moreover, why to go for artificial products when you have so many useful 
ingredients in your kitchen?

Discussed below are 10 best home remedies that can do wonders when it comes 
to deal with acne.

1.Apple-Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one product with multiple functionalities. Because of 
its anti-bacterial properties the product is found to treat acne effectively and
  efficiently. Take some drops of this product on a cotton ball and apply it as 
would apply a toner. You will see for the results in some days. In addition to 
this, it also helps in maintaining the pH level of skin and works best on hair 
as well.

2. Tea Tree Oil

If you want an acne free skin, you need to focus on its root-cause and 
clogged pores often lead to acne. Tea tree oil is one of the best materials to 
clean clogged pores, as it cleans your skin without causing breakout of acne. 
Additionally, it helps get rid of bacteria and removes any the dead skin cells. 
The ingredient also increases collagen production by controlling the free 
radicals, thus giving your skin a youthful appearance.

3. Papaya

The high vitamin content in papaya makes it one of the most effective 
elements for treating acne. Mash some papaya and use it as a facial mask. Leave 
the pulp on your face for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold 
water. This will hold back the overproduction of sebum which is one of the major
  causes of acne.

4. Potato

To reduce the swelling of acne, mash a potato and apply it on the affected 
area. When you wash your face after 15 minutes you will observe reduction in 
your acne size.

5. Mint

The cooling nature of mint makes it one of the best treatments for
. Crush some mint  leaves and apply the juice directly on
face and see the results for  yourself.

6. Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C is a must for healthy and glowy skin. Hence, include every item 
which is loaded with vitamin C like lemons, oranges, amla, guava, and many 
others in your everyday diet. You can also apply a mixture of rose water and 
lemon juice to maintain its radiance.

7. Honey

The goodness of honey is not limited to health. It is also found to be very 
handy in treating acne too. Its antimicrobial property destroys the bacteria, 
thus reducing the chances of acne. Additionally, the sticky texture helps in 
removing any dirt from the face without any harmful effects. For maximum 
benefits, make sure that you choose natural variant over processed honey, since 
its properties are well preserved in its natural form. Apply an even coat of 
honey all over your face and neck and leave it for about fifteen to twenty 
minutes. Wash your face with normal water and you will see a glow like never 

8. Egg-white

Egg not only keeps you healthy but also looks after your skin very well. Egg 
white when applied on face unclogs the acne causing pores smoothly, reducing the
  redness as well. Thus it plays a dual role of as that of an anti-inflammatory 
agent and an astringent.

9. Avocado

Avocados are known for their high content of fibre and unsaturated fats. But,
  in addition to this, the fruit is also beneficial in treatment of acne because 
of its anti-oxidant properties. Therefore, try to include these fruits in your 
daily diet for a healthier and clear skin.

10. Baking Soda

Another product which is present in almost every other kitchen and can treat 
acne is baking soda. To treat acne, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 
sufficient water so as to form a thick paste. After that, apply the paste to 
your skin and leave it until it begins to harden and then wash your face. Repeat
  the procedure several times in a week and you will be pleased with the 

It is not only that external treatments can give you an acne free skin. You 
also need to watch your eating habits for beautiful and radiant skin. Make sure 
that you drink plenty of water, at least ten to fifteen glasses a day, to keep 
your skin hydrated and moisturized. Also, choose your cosmetics and skin 
products wisely. Do not compromise on quality for price.

Aramint A Roxana is beautician and her tips are effective. She like to share 
her beauty tips which are helpful to people to look beauty full. If you want 
more information you can visit

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Jojoba oil is an extract of the jojoba plant, specifically from the seeds. Ever since it was discovered as an largely superior alternative to whale oil in 1971 it has grown tremendously in popularity being used in thousands of beauty products, and being sold on its own by many companies worldwide. It is little wonder why since it has so many uses and health benefits such as.....

Its antimicrobial: Jojoba oil is very good at killing several different kinds of harmful microbe, like P. acnes the bacteria responsible for most breakouts as well as most fungi.

Gentle on the human body: In fact it is very similar to the oil our skin produces naturally, and as a result is noncomedogenic, nonacnegenic, and nontoxic. It is even edible, though it cannot be digested and may cause issues with stool.

Powerful antioxidant: Like many other natural extracts jojoba oil has the ability to block free radicals responsible for aging as well as many diseases such as cancer. This is largely due to its high content volume of other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

All in all jojoba oil is a very powerful product with the potential to greatly aid in getting rid of one's acne problems, while at the same time helping with many other health aspects. Try it and decide for yourself if this wonderful product is right for you, heres one of my favorite brands: